“At the center of your being you have the answer: you know who you are and you know what you want.
Lao Tzu”
As a private practitioner I provide private healing and coaching sessions for individuals, adolescents, and couples. I provide services to a diverse group of people in terms of gender, age, sexual orientation, cultural background, and religious and spiritual beliefs. Sessions are tailored to the unique situation and needs of an individual or individuals. With a loving, compassionate, non-judgmental, and supportive environment clients can achieve what they are striving for.
Although there are a lot of similarities between healing/counseling sessions and coaching sessions, there is also a significant difference between them.
Both coaching and counseling/healing sessions are client-centered and geared towards the betterment of client. They promote insight and trust in your abilities to come up with a unique solution. In addition, high ethical standards are ascribed and confidentiality is maintained.
Healing is typically introspective and reflective with focus on interpersonal, intrapersonal, karmic, and ancestral/generational issues. It deals with the deep unconscious and repairing different kinds of trauma, childhood issues, stress, anxiety, relational issues, depression, and helps to heal present symptoms. It helps you identify patterns in your life, gain clarity, optimize growth and self- actualization, and promote insights. Healing allows you to know yourself at a much deeper level.
Coaching is more goal-oriented, solution focused, action based, and externally defined. It mostly focuses on the present and future and is designed for external growth. It helps you to identify roadblocks, discover solutions, and unlock your potential. Self-discovery is promoted by identifying different patterns and behaviors to create a life you desire. Working together, we’ll formulate a plan, strategize, and keep you accountable at different steps until you achieve your stated goal.
Feel free to WhatsApp/text at 1-408-316-7347 (USA Number) or call at 03060675120 or email liveblissfull@gmail.com to discuss your needs further or any questions. No matter what you decide, it would be helpful for you to explore what you may want. I am here to support and help you in your journey.
I welcome you wherever you are at your life with kindness, compassion, respect, safety, and non-judgment. I believe in you and your innate ability to work through the issues towards wholeness and healing
As a private practitioner I provide private healing and coaching sessions for individuals and couples. My work helps you find clarity, inner joy, and resolution. You will get in touch with your inner strengths, create strong skills and strategies deal with stress and stressors, relational and familial issues, heartache, anxiety, depression, and trauma. With increased self-esteem, you will develop a capacity to embrace life in its fullest; allowing you to live a more authentic, productive, and expressive life.
I work holistically. I see the individual as a whole expression of mind, body, spirit, and heart. Most of us find our uniqueness, beliefs, gifts, conditioning, and passions through our interactions with others and the world. Certain life experiences, conditioning, and challenges often create disharmony and disconnection between mind, body, spirit, and heart, and thus create a symptomatic self.
The symptomatic self often arises as a reactive response to distress and other negative emotions (anger, blame, shame, resentment, fear, etc.) In our work, we will address reactions, distress, and negative emotions in the here and now in a non-judgmental, safe, and compassionate space.
Working as a whole and especially with the heart increases our capacity to deeply love and connect with others and ourselves. The heart is often considered to be the central channel of energy, which harbors personal and universal emotions (anger, joy, hunger, shame, love, loss, resentfulness, grief, happiness, suffering, sadness, guilt, gratitude, and so on). Often these personal and universal emotions reside in our bodies in the form of tension, constriction, disease, etc. My work helps to re-calibrate and integrate the nervous system in a way that allows healing at a much deeper level than personal insight alone. As we heal our heart and bodies by sensing and working through its rhythms in a gentle and compassionate way, we also open and heal other dimensions of our being. This often alleviates stress, dis-ease, and physical symptoms.
I welcome discussing and exploring the role of religious beliefs and the personal meaning of spirituality regardless of discipline or practice. Being an immigrant and minority myself, I have a deep understanding of issues surrounding acculturation, multicultural marriages, and the issues parents face in raising their children with their own cultural and religious beliefs. I am also well aware of the pull and pressure children or young adults feel between their home values and their social world.
I draw from many different transformative methods and life experiences in my work. My work is deeply rooted in three primary modalities. Using the technologies of energy, somatic healing, and art expression, many complex and deep emotions from stressors and traumas can be resolved. These modalities are explained below.
Energy Work
Energy work is a powerful and gentle tool. It incorporates Eastern and Western philosophies and allows us to work through the lens of seeing individuals as a whole without tether to body, mind, spirit, or upbringing. This allows us to rework our mental, emotional, and energetic constructs, which can often be expressed in physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual dis-ease. Energy healing helps unwind ancestral patterns, re-organize the nervous system, restore inner balance, and increase vitality and resilience, allowing one to fully embody their natural selves.
Somatic Experiencing
The Somatic Experiencing approach helps us reorganize the nervous system, restore inner balance, increase vitality, and open our capacity to live fully in harmony with our bodies.
It is a powerful but gentle psychobiological method for resolving trauma, traumatic symptoms, anxiety, and stress. It is the life’s work of Dr. Peter A. Levine, resulting from his multidisciplinary study of stress physiology, psychology, ethology, biology, neuroscience, indigenous healing practices, and medical biophysics, in combination with over 45 years of successful clinical application.
Somatic Experiencing techniques allow us to release the traumatic shock and energy stuck in the body. This release is key to transforming any kind of trauma including PTSD or early attachment and developmental trauma.
Somatic Experiencing offers an opportunity to collapse the body’s instinctual fight, flight, or freeze responses in a gentle supportive manner. This alleviates anxiety around daily issues and allows us to make productive decisions. It does not require people to re-live or tell the whole traumatic event. By doing so, anxiety, fear, depression, numbness, rage, helplessness, terror, transform into empowerment, liveliness, sense of peace, contentment, calmness, and joy.
Expressive Arts Therapy
Emotions naturally express themselves through and respond to art. I incorporate different forms of artistic modalities such as, music, voice, movement, drawing, writing, and painting. These are powerful tools to access the unconscious and channel our emotions. Expressive Arts Therapy provides an opportunity to discover, integrate, and transcend inner polarities. The creativity that emerges as a result of expressive arts nourishes the soul. It is a media for transformation and healing without verbal content.
How to Get Started
Feel free to call/text at 408-316-7347 or email at liveblissfull@gmail.com to discuss your needs further or if you have any questions. I am here to support and help you in your journey.
Call/Text 408-316-7347 or email liveblissfull@gmial.com
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Call/Text 408-316-7347 or email liveblissfull@gmial.com
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