Join us in a safe space for a reflective experiential workshop to let go of negative beliefs, release fears, and celebrate blessings of your life. Lets step into new year with confidence, clear intentions, joy and compassion.


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Chakras are the energy points in the body. There are seven main chakras which align the spine. Each chakra correspond to certain psychological, physiological, emotional, and spiritual aspects. Opened chakras allow higher states of awareness, consciousness, and harmonious flow of energy. 

Please join us for one or series of workshops on every Chakra individually. These one hour workshops will be experiential and very rich. 



20688 Fourth Street, Suite 1 Saratoga, CA 9507


1/13 & 1/27 Chakra 7 Sahsrara (Crown)

2/10 & 2/17 Chakra 6 Ajnya (Third heat)

03/17 & 03/24 Chakra 5 Vishuddhi (Throat)

4/14 & 04/28 Chakra 4 Anahata (Heart)

5/19 & 05/26 Chakra 3 Manipura (Solar plexus)

6/9 & 6/23 Chakra 2 Svadhisthana (Sacral)

7/14 & 7/21 Chakra 1 Muladhara (Root)

Timings: 11am to 1pm

Please register by sending your information through here


This workshop is for anyone who wants to release old patterns and develop the full potential for a joyous and successful life. Often we feel stuck and do not understand what’s stopping us from creating the life we desire. This workshop will help you understand belief systems, recurring patterns, roots of fear, phobias, illnesses, and more.  Regardless of your belief in the reality of past lives, the experiences from past life regressions surface from the depths of your subconscious mind. Working with this material helps you see your life in a new light and improve your understanding of underlying issues.

Saturday, 14th May'16

10am - 5pm

Regular Fee: $150, Early Bird: $120 (Before April' 30th) 

 200 San Mateo Ave. Los Gatos, CA 95030

Please register by sending your information through here



These classes are for people who are interested in cultivating awareness, connecting, and learning about their bodies' wisdom. In these classes we will tap into the intelligence of our bodies and gain insight into our bodies' wisdom. We will create a safe place for you to pause from everyday worries and deeply listen to your bodies. It can enable you to restructure the nervous system to restore inner balance while gaining the resilience to face present or future stressful events. It can also increase vitality and instill a sense of safety and confidence in the body and the Self.


LOCATION : 20688 Fourth Street Suite 1. Saratoga, CA 95070

DATES: 9th & 23rd September' 2017.

TIME: 10am to 11am

Please save your spot by sending your information here Space is limited




Join us for one or all three wonderful workshops to nurture yourself through inner wisdom and creativity. These are very rich experiential workshops designed to discover whats coming in your way, whats needs to change, what steps needs to be taken, and integrate.

Sept 8: Sow and Awaken
Trusting the unknown, self-discovery, nourishment.

Sept 15: Evoke and Emerge
Embracing obstacles,
Self-acceptance, Renewal and Re-birthing.

Sept 22: Integrate, Mobilize, and Manifest!
Taking risks, Letting go of Perfection, Sustaining Inspiration.

COST: $40 per workshop or $100 for all 3 - if you register in advance.

LOCATION : 20688 Fourth Street Suite 1. Saratoga, CA 95070

DATES: 8th, 15th, & 22nd September' 2017.

TIME: 7:15pm to 9pm

Please save your spot by sending your information here Space is limited